Reconstructing 'Education' through Mindful Attention

eBook - Positioning the Mind at the Center of Curriculum and Pedagogy

Erschienen am 21.01.2017, 1. Auflage 2017
46,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781137587824
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 0 S., 13.23 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


This book reconstructs the idea and practice of education. Rather than conceiving of education as a process we undergo in which our minds are shaped by a social vision, Oren Ergas turns this notion of education on its head, arguing instead that we ourselves construct education. The multitude of problems with formal education and schooling, such as violence, inequality, and low achievements, are then seen as reflections of problems of the mind, meaning that close study of the mind is necessary if these problems are to be successfully tackled. Through philosophy, neuroscience and psychology, this book proposes a new perspective on 'educational' theory, practice and research. It will be of great interest to students and teachers, scholars of education, and educational policy-makers. 


Oren Ergas lectures at the Hebrew University and at Beit-Berl Academic College, Israel. His research focuses on mind and body in education from theoretical and practical perspectives. He has published extensively in peer-reviewed journals includingThe Journal of Philosophy of Education,Critical Studies in Education, and has co-editedPhilosophy East/West: Exploring intersections between philosophical and contemplative practices.


Chapter 1. Introduction: The Problem with Education is 'Education'. Forget 'Education'. Study the Mind..- PART I. Fundamentals of Mind, Fundamentals of 'Education'.- Chapter 2. Attention, Space, Time and 'Education'.- Chapter 3. 'Education' and the Pruning of the Mind.- PART II. The Expulsion of Mind from 'Education': A Diagnosis of the Current 'Educational' Construct.- Chapter 4. 'Knowledge' and the 'Curriculum' in Time and Space.- Chapter 5. Pedagogy and Meta-Pedagogy.- PART III. The Inner Curriculum.- Chapter 6. The Ethics of the Inner Curriculum.- Chapter 7. The Curriculum of Embodied Perception.- Chapter 8. The Curriculum of Me.- Chapter 9. The Curriculum of I.- Chapter 10. Conclusion: The Reconstruction of 'Education' and the 'Contemplative Turn'.

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