Nelson Mandela

eBook - Comparative Perspectives of his Significance for Education, Comparative and International Education: A Diversity of Voices

Erschienen am 22.03.2017, 1. Auflage 2017
43,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9789463009089
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 0 S., 8.36 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


The death of Nelson Mandela, the great South African fighter for freedom, in December 2013 prompted several colleagues within the World Council of Comparative Education Societies community to come together to think about the significance of his life and his work for education. This book is the result of that coming together. The contributing authors reflect on what his life, the commitments he made and principally the values he took into the struggle for freedom in South Africa mean for education. The point of departure for the book is that of honouring the man. It begins with the argument that the values for which he stood, namely, the unconditional dignity of all human beings, respect for difference and principally his lifelong commitment to justice, have a special significance for how we as inhabitants of an increasingly connected and interdependent world conduct our personal lives, our relationships with one another and with the material and living space which surrounds us. It is an ecological approach. As the world moves into a twenty-first century where, paradoxically, we know so much and yet appear to understand so little, and so find ourselves struggling to create social lives in which all of us can feel respected, can offer respect to others and live lives free of fear and anxiety, the values for which he stood have specific relevance for how we do the important job of teaching and what we put into it. Mandela poses deeply provocative questions about the kinds of lives we seek for ourselves and for everybody else around us.


An Introduction: Nelson Mandela and his Significance for Education; Becoming Mandela: Educational Implications of his Leadership; The Education of Nelson Mandela: Learner, Educator, Liberation Intellectual; Nelson Mandela and Dialogic Lifelong Learning; Mandela and Afrikaans: From Language of the Oppressor to Language of Reconciliation; Informal Education as the Foundation for Grooming Future Leaders: Lessons from Nelson Mandelas Humble Beginnings; An Analysis of Nelson Mandelas Philosophy of Education; Intercultural Dialogue and Inclusive Education: From Europe to Mandelas South Africa and Tagores India; Mandelas Inspiration: Transformative Learning and Social Justice forU.S. Learners; The Idea of Higher Education as an Instrument for Social Mobility and Societal Transformation: A Critique of Nelson Mandela; The Mandela Legacy: Examined through the Shaping of Teacher and Teacher Education Policy in the Immediate Post-Apartheid South Africa Period (19941999); Many More Hills to Climb: Reflections on the Legacy of Nelson Mandela and the Relevance for Educational Transformation; The Provocation of Nelson Mandela.

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