The Greatest Works of Henry David Thoreau - 92+ Titles in One Illustrated Edition

eBook - Walden, The Maine Woods, Cape Cod, A Yankee in Canada, Canoeing in the Wilderness¿

Erschienen am 16.10.2017, 1. Auflage 2017
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9788027224869
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 2115 S., 7.13 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


In 'The Greatest Works of Henry David Thoreau 92+ Titles in One Illustrated Edition', readers are presented with a comprehensive collection of Thoreau's writings that encapsulate the essence of transcendentalism. From his renowned work 'Walden' to his essays on civil disobedience, nature, and individualism, this anthology showcases Thoreau's eloquent prose, rich in philosophical insights and contemplations on life and society. Thoreau's literary style is marked by its simplicity and profound observations of the natural world, making this compilation a treasure trove of wisdom and inspiration for readers seeking to reconnect with nature and find their place in the world. The inclusion of illustrations enhances the reading experience, bringing Thoreau's words to life in a visual medium that complements his evocative writing. Henry David Thoreau, a philosopher, poet, and naturalist, drew inspiration from his deep connection to nature and his belief in the importance of individual conscience in the face of societal norms. His experiences living in solitude at Walden Pond and his advocacy for simplicity and self-reliance greatly influenced his writings, making him a central figure in the transcendentalist movement of the 19th century. Through his works, Thoreau encourages readers to reflect on their relationship with nature, society, and themselves, inviting contemplation and self-discovery. 'The Greatest Works of Henry David Thoreau' is a must-read for anyone interested in exploring the philosophical and literary legacy of one of America's most influential thinkers. This anthology not only offers a comprehensive overview of Thoreau's writings but also invites readers to engage with timeless themes of nature, self-discovery, and individual freedom, making it a valuable addition to any literary collection.

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