Hope and Courage in the Climate Crisis

eBook - Wisdom and Action in the Long Emergency

Erschienen am 16.08.2021, 1. Auflage 2021
33,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783030707439
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 0 S., 3.14 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


As the risks of the climate crisis continue to grow, so too do the challenges of facing a harsh climate future with honesty and courage; justice and compassion; meaning and purpose. 
Hope and Courage in the Climate Crisis explores diverse sources of learning and wisdom from climate scientists and activists; philosophers and social theorists; Indigenous cultures and ways of life; faith based and spiritual traditions; artists and writers which can help us live courageous, compassionate and creative lives in a world of rapidly accelerating climatic and ecological risk.
Accelerating the transition to a just and resilient zero-carbon society will require visionary leadership and courageous collective action. Awareness that rapid action might still be insufficient to prevent severe and irreversible social and ecological damage is however a source of deep concern for many people passionately committed to decisive climate action. 
Drawing on broad experience as a climate activist, researcher and policy maker John Wiseman provides a wide ranging, accessible and provocative guided tour of ideas which can inspire and sustain radical hope and defiant courage in the long emergency which now lies before us.


John Wiseman is a research fellow at the Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute and the Climate and Energy College, University of Melbourne, Australia. His current research and policy work focuses on strategies for restoring a safe climate and accelerating the transition to a just and resilient zero-carbon society.


Chapter 1. Introduction: Facing a harsh climate with eyes wide open.- Chapter 2. Beyond denial and despair: Honesty and action on the climate change front line.- Chapter 3. Remembering magnificence: The power of collective action and the beauty of the Earth.- Chapter 4. Caring for country: Indigenous and First Nations learning about survival, resilience and resistance.- Chapter 5. Cooling the fevered city: Reason and hubris in Greek and Enlightenment philosophy.- Chapter 6. Sisyphus in flames: Critical theory, modernity and power.- Chapter 7. Mercy to all beings: Christian, Jewish and Islamic learning about thankfulness, love and care.- Chapter 8. This world is but a dew drop world.and yet.Buddhist, Taoist and Confucian learning about suffering, impermanence and compassion.- Chapter 9. Living ecologically: Understanding and respecting complexity and interdependence.- Chapter 10. How the light gets in: Imagining and creating just and resilient zero-carbon worlds.- Chapter 11. The2050 Zero-Carbon World Oration.- Chapter 12. The laughter of children, the roar of the ocean.

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