A Guide to Pentecostal Movements for Lutherans


Erschienen am 06.07.2016, 1. Auflage 2016
27,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781498289863
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 164 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


In just over a century, Pentecostalism has rocketed from its humble beginnings in an interracial congregation on Azusa Street in Los Angeles to a global movement counting more than six hundred million members. Confronted with the bewildering array of Pentecostal, Charismatic, and Neocharismatic beliefs and practices, Lutherans are often at a loss as to how to think about Pentecostals, much less how to engage them in positive ways that build up the whole body of Christ.In this guide, Lutherans will find tools for just such an engagement. Building on a foundation of Pentecostalism's history and varieties, Wilson undertakes an in-depth survey of biblical teaching on baptism, the Holy Spirit, and spiritual gifts. The guide then brings innovative new lenses to bear on the questions at stake: the use of church history in defending denominational borders, right and wrong approaches to prosperity, the power of the Spirit and corruptions of power, and the role of experience in theological discernment.Written in a style accessible to laity and clergy alike, this guide will strengthen Lutherans' appreciation of their own tradition while enabling them to encounter Pentecostals as fellow believers in the salvation given by the triune God.


Sarah Hinlicky Wilson is an ordained Lutheran pastor, an Adjunct Professor of the Institute for Ecumenical Research in Strasbourg, France, and the editor ofLutheran Forum. She is the author ofWoman, Women, and the Priesthood in the Trinitarian Theology of Elisabeth Behr-Sigel (2013) and of more than one hundred articles on theology in both popular and scholarly venues.

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