Ministries of Compassion among Russian Evangelicals, 1905-1929


Erschienen am 13.05.2016, 1. Auflage 2016
42,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781498280716
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 274 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


The present study fills a gap in the study of the evangelical movement in Russia by presenting a comprehensive picture of their compassionate ministry during their longest stretch of relative freedom before the 1980s.Better known for their energetic preaching and literature work, Russian evangelicals also gave attention to compassionate ministry, although it was never extensive because of their marginal status. They established assistance funds, organized charitable institutions, practiced urban rescue ministry, participated in the Russian temperance movement, and established economic communities.Each area is distinct, yet all were supported by the same set of theological convictions. The Russian evangelicals were convinced that their witness should consist of good works as well as words, and that the gospel had the power to undo human suffering. While intentionally cultivating an attitude of concern for the needs of others, they taught that compassion was the concern of all members of the community, regardless of economic status or age. In their publications evangelicals devoted a good deal of teaching to the proper Christian attitude toward money and giving. They drew on Western models, but also their indigenous sectarian roots.


Mary Raber, based in Odessa, Ukraine, is a service worker through Mennonite Mission Network (Elkhart, Indiana). She teaches church history and other subjects at Odessa Theological Seminary and other institutions of theological education in the former Soviet Union. Raber received her PhD from the University of Wales and International Baptist Theological Seminary Centre in Amsterdam.

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