Cornelius and Jake Run for Home


Erschienen am 29.06.2013, 1. Auflage 2013
6,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781483659862
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 24 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


"Cornelius and Jake Run For Home" invites the young reader along on a thrilling fantasy adventure with two unlikely friends, Jake the Cricket and King Cornelius Crab.The opening of this tale finds Jake entangled in a mass of discarded fishing line thrown amongst the rocks of Whaingaroa harbour, on New Zealand's west coast. A daring rescue by Cornelius propels the two new friends on a spine-tingling, suspense-packed adventure, as they face danger and seemingly insurmountable obstacles in their quest to reach the sanctuary of Cornelius' abode, Canyon Castle.Their journey intensifies as the indomitable pair battle the savage west coast weather, and Cornelius leads Jake through a labyrinth of dark, shadowy alleyways deep in the underworld of the foreshore. Navigating the plaited reed ladder that sways wildly in the gale, Cornelius and Jake must formulate plans on the move with the infamous Dump Rats Gang in hot pursuit.This book has been written primarily as a fantasy/adventure, but it also serves to offer a young reader a window through which to observe the threads of compassion, loyalty and courage that weave through the fabric of the story. The author, Mattie Simpson, has endeavoured to convey and highlight the inherent similarities between the comradeship of humankind and those of other creatures and the quintessential requirement of a safe anchorage. The celebration and recognition of these qualities can only serve to improve the interaction between humans and the other kingdoms that inhabit this planet.

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