Road to Eternal Life


Erschienen am 17.09.2013, 1. Auflage 2013
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781483629520
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 481 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


This book was written to help all born-again Christians to believe that Eternal Life begins in our present life on earth and continue on into the World of Eternity. It is designed to impress on the minds of all humankind that those who are considered their enemies, will respond and repay them in kindness as a friend. Accordingly, the chosen subject, The Road to Eternal Life, was selected in order to broaden my knowledge and understanding of Christian believers concepts as to why Eternal Life can be lived in our present day journey on earth, and it is a viable truth in Gods plan of salvation. Also, this research is devoted to find out what concepts theories, and beliefs already exist in this area. In addition, my goal was to read and understand the history why Jesus Christs teachings are the Way, the Truth, and Everlasting Life for all who repent of sins and believe His Gospel. In addition, my purpose is with the intent to gain a new perspective and pursue efforts to add new thoughts and ideas and to strengthen prior ones in relation to the Kingdom of God which concerns the future and the End of Time. Furthermore, to pursue efforts in detailed reviews of other book data that contain ideas, concepts, and key theories of biblical opinions of Gods Eternal Life Plan... Then analyze and evaluate these sources information and evidence used in their conclusion. Likewise, consider the values of other source ideas, theories, concepts, practices that are useful in todays religious culture. Similarly, there is the desire to pursue creative innovations efforts which set forth new theories never before revealed on the subject of Eternal Life. In addition, my efforts are directed to provide accepted meaning, and strength, and theories that already exist. Likewise, the primary design of this research is: (1). to determine what claims are made by major sources in traditional work, (2). to determine if these prior sources actually report viable data, and evaluate and assess the validity of their arguments given for rejection/acceptance of Eternal Life, (3). to determine what ideas, theories, and practices are based on inductive and deductive practices.

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