Age of Restlessness

eBook - Early Life and Times of Robin Blessed - Part Three

Erschienen am 05.09.2013, 1. Auflage 2013
6,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781482892345
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 184 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


The Age of Restlessness shares the author's experiences and thoughts when he was seventeen until his twenty-first year. It was a time he reached out of adolescence, a time when he would be in his own man, a time that was a springboard to adulthood. Considerations during this period about life, its purpose, meaning, and the things that must come to pass lent content to this book. His two years in pre-university wraps up his time in formal education that was necessary to secure a place in university if he so decided on that route; another two and a half years in National Service was a compulsory mandatory draft into the Armed Forces. That all led up to his twenty-first birthday. Coming into that age was not of any meaningful significance other than having reached the age of manhood. The significance was in his meeting with the Person of his life then, even up until this very time of writing. From then on, life saw no variable in the sense that he found this person as an anchor who was also the foundation, the bedrock from which he would direct and live his life. There was only one sure constant, one clear vision, one sure purpose, with one definite mission that was certain about how he should conduct life. The world would challenge it in the changing circumstances of life, yet nothing would change because it was perfectly constant, an immoveable Rock, one that held fast and sure in some of the most fearsome raging storms and parched lonesome deserts in the authors life.

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