A Simple Approach to Taoism

eBook - Festivals, Worship and Rituals

Erschienen am 02.01.2013, 1. Auflage 2013
6,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781482892062
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 72 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Most people would look at Taoism as a religion per se. If one is not familiar with Taoism, one would be surprised that the concepts of feng-shui, astrology, geography, traditional medicine, Yin-Yang and many others influencing modern western cultures are, in fact, Taoism concepts!Others had ideas of Taoism steeped in rituals, branded as superstitious and even looked at it with apprehension. It is quite understandable as the concepts and culture of Taoism hardly cross the path of the Western world. Taoism remains deeply rooted in the Far East and its propagation to the world is rather slow and lethargic.A Simple Approach to Taoism Festivals, Worship and Rituals and together with A Simple Approach to Taoism of Gods and Deities will provide in a simple to understand language, yet vivid and alluring, the basic history, concept and the rich, colourful culture of Taoism.The book is organized around six important themes: Historical Development, Religious Taoism, Philosophical Taoism, important Festivals, Worship and Rituals. It also touches on certain aspects of the sacred texts such as the Tao Te Ching.The sections on important Festivals, Worship and Rituals will help the reader to understand the building blocks of Taoism and provide an in-depth understanding and appreciation of the rich culture and way of life and traditions.Let then the journey begins, slowly unfolding the vast ocean of Taoism, its beliefs, culture and traditions.

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