
eBook - City in the Sky

Erschienen am 01.03.2010, 1. Auflage 2010
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781449047566
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 460 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


None of the tales I've seen or read seem to fit properly with the original legends of Atlantis. None, that is, until I learned of the Aullagas flood. Over three thousand years ago, a city called Aullagas was destroyed by a great inland tsunami. Was it the place described by Plato and the Incan Legend of the Desaguadero? The idea captured my imagination and I am in hopes that my readers will catch the vision as well. My recipe for an intriguing story includes a sprinkle of scientific fact and documented stories of local tragedy and odd events. Two young boys actually discovered an immense Inca treasure buried in a Bolivian cave. Why did the villagers dynamite and seal the entrance? A 'witching light' fell from the sky into an Andean lake. Did the natives actually eat the alien survivors? Modern science is on the verge of discovering the key to reversing mitochondrial degeneration. Is the fountain of youth actually in a test tube only a few years away? The Discovery Channel actually sent a film crew to the Bolivian altiplano. Did they document the ancient site of Atlantis? -----In my story, NASA satellites discover an ancient civilization on the Bolivian altiplano that is an exact match for Plato's lost city as well as the Incan 'Legend of The Desaguadero'. In a race against time, present day criminals, archaeologists and a pharmaceutical magnate sleuth the actions of its ancient inhabitants in an attempt to uncover two great mysteries; either of which could alter modern civilization as we know it. Attention focuses upon a city located in the Bolivian desert at an altitude of 11,000 feet, which was destroyed by earthquake and flood in a single day, and upon a mysterious artifact hidden in the mists of the Andes Mountains.

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