Plaintive Voices of Haiti to the World


Erschienen am 13.07.2010, 1. Auflage 2010
12,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781449004828
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 148 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Ladies and gentlemen what you are holding in your hands right now and about to read is the Haitian people's complaint to the world; it is their will and their vision for a new Haiti. It is the dreams and hopes of the new generation; it is a tool to help guide the Haitian people in the transition from politicians that have made questionable choices to the new visionary leaders, a tool to assist them in the process of transformation from misery to prosperity and wellbeing. This is a book that going to bring to the light who are responsible for Haitian people's misery and will explain also the self-denial of a group of Haitian in Haiti and overseas for the cause of Haiti and for the benefit of the Haitian people. This book will explain an extraordinary story of an ordinary man who has vision for Haiti's struggle. His father was murdered, his mother got kidnapped and was robbed three times, all because they spoke out for a better life, and they spoke out for peace and justice in Haiti. From 1804 to 2010, exactly 206 years of independence and 206 years of calamity, humiliation, isolation and corruption, after all those years it's still raising some fundamental questions how much more the Haitian people have to endure? How long they have to wait to get help? After the earthquake, the entire world sympathized with Haiti and gave billions to leaders and to non profit organizations that has been established in this country for years to help the people and to rebuild Haiti. After four months, yet nothing has been done and in the capital I know many hurting people who haven't received any help, not even a bottle of water. In the mean time people continue to die,suffer, and among them tension starts raising high and in my point of view, I don't see any evidence that those leaders in this country has any desire to make any changes in the direction of better quality of life for the Haitian people. Today I am seeking justice in a very different and unusual way, I want to establish for the first time in Haiti rules and principles that can't be violated by anyone and prove to the world how an ordinary man can really do an extraordinary change in a country known as a land of corruption, a land of poverty and impunity.

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