Practical Poultry Breeder - Or, How To Make Poultry Pay


Erschienen am 16.04.2013, 1. Auflage 2013
11,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781447497424
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 442 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


This is a practical work on poultry breeding and feeding, by William Cook. It is specially adapted for cottagers, or those having limited space for keeping poultry, and the author has been successful in his endeavour to give plain and practical information, which will be of use to the amateur poultry breeder, and enable him to make it a profitable pursuit. The most suitable class of houses, the best system of feeding, breeding, and rearing, and the diseases of poultry, are all dealt with in detail. Advice is given by following which the uninitiated in these matters may select the best pure breeds for crossing. The best poultry for egg-producing and table purposes are indicated, the object of the author being to bring out the useful and profitable qualities of fowls, rather than the points requisite for carrying off prizes at exhibitions. When it is considered that about 750 millions of eggs are annually imported into this country, chiefly from France, poultry breeding becomes a question of much importance, to which greater attention should be paid, and those engaged in it will find themselves greatly assisted by a perusal of this little work.

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