The End of Time

eBook - The Book Is a Story of What the End of Time Will Be Like as It's Soon at Hand.

Erschienen am 20.01.2012, 1. Auflage 2012
5,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781438913834
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 60 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


The End of time will come all of a sudden. The holy Quran tells us that it will appear to people as if they have tarried a single evening on Earth. The knowledge of the final Hour is with the Almighty God alone. When the Hour comes the moon would be cleft asunder.The serious question at this stage is how prepared are we for the final Hour; the exact timing of it, as mentioned already, is only known to the Almighty God, the most exalted and has not reveal it to any one. Mass production and mass organisation have blinded mankind, societies and nations. Mankind has become so engrossed in material things to the extent that they take no notice of the signs of the final Hour that are now evident every where. Instead mankind has chosen to waste precious time in ephemeral things. A brave soldier, who left his sword behind in his house and went out to fight with the scabbard: Indeed, any one who forgets the Day of meeting with his or her creator, will go empty handed into the Eternal Home and face the wrath of God on the Judgement Day.

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