Einstein, Money and Contentment

eBook - Cosmolaw: Unifying Cosmology, Economics and Faith

Erschienen am 21.05.2013, 1. Auflage 2013
6,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781418470982
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 272 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Click this link to read a review of Einstein, Money and Contentment.Bridging the academic and practical, Palmquist has taken what the open minded reader will view as a first step toward defining a generic Grand Unification Theory. Objecting to the use of the word, Theory, Palmquist refers to Cosmolaw, because he bases his work upon proven formulas controlling the behavior of electricity.His proposed answer to the long-sought-after GUT should interest physicists. His inter-disciplinary application of those principles to the field of everyday life should interest economists. The attention he centers upon the commonalities between the laws of nature and the nature of God should get the attention of theologians.Even skeptical scientists must fill out 1040 forms. If they take issue with Palmquist''s views of Physics and cosmology they can nevertheless grasp his reasoning that no government under today''''''''s monetary policies can be rational if it also insists upon collecting income taxes from its citizens.The formulas discussed by Palmquist are shown to be common to all of nature and can be applied to all of life. His study embraces the fields of Economics and spiritual life. Blending observations from natural law with his observations about Economics and ordinary life, Palmquist makes the case that economists should try to provide a better society for us, while we as individuals, using Cosmolaw, find contentment in whatever state life finds us.

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