Fire Properties of Polymer Composite Materials

eBook - Solid Mechanics and Its Applications

Erschienen am 30.01.2007, 1. Auflage 2007
173,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781402053566
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 401 S., 4.30 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


This book is the first to deal comprehensively with the important topic of the fire behaviour of polymer composite materials. Composites are used in a diverse range of applications, including land and marine transport, aerospace, the chemical industry, and most branches of civil engineering infrastructure. It is our belief that fire behaviour is the single most important factor limiting the wider use of composites in many of these areas. Our aim in producing this volume is therefore to stimulate the work that is needed to overcome this fundamental problem. The first step in such a journey is, of course, to summarise what is presently known, which is what we have attempted here. This book aims to be an authoritative reference source. The book covers all of the key issues on the behaviour of polymer composites in fire. This includes a description of the thermal degradation and combustion mechanisms of composites, including the thermal decomposition reactions, reaction rates, flammable volatiles and toxic gases of organic polymers and fibres. The fire reaction properties that define the flammability and fire hazard of polymer composites are described, including time-to-ignition, heat release rate, flame spread, smoke and gaseous combustion products. The fire resistive properties of composites are also described, including the key properties of burn-through rate and mechanical integrity during and after fire.


Thermal Decomposition of Composites in Fire.- Fire Reaction Properties of Composites.- Fire Modelling of Composites.- Modelling the Thermal Response of Composites in Fire.- Structural Properties of Composites in Fire.- Post-Fire Properties of Composites.- Flame Retardant Composites.- Fire Properties of Polymer Nanocomposites.- Fire Safety Regulations.- Fire Tests for Composites.- Health Hazards of Composites in Fire.

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