Government and Research

eBook - Thirty Years of Evolution, Higher Education Dynamics

Erschienen am 05.08.2006, 1. Auflage 2006
111,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781402044465
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 248 S., 1.09 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


There has been a flare-up in interest in science policy and a key factor in this is the increased interest in analysing the role that research can play in informing policy making.

A pioneering venture in this field was Government and Research: The Rothschild Experiment in a Government Department (1983) Heinemann. No other work had penetrated the deepest recesses of government to observe at first hand the attempts of a major department to determine its research agenda through collaboration with leading scientists in a wide range of fields, to observe how research was commissioned, and then evaluated by scientific teams, and how it began to enter the policy blood streams of the departments.

This revised and augmented version updates the original text for current policy concerns and takes account of changes in science policy studies, whilst preserving its essential themes. It contains a succinct account of where matters now stand as well as an extended analysis of the themes that continue to dominate research and science policy.


Government and science.- Relationships between Government and Science.- Theories of Science and Science Policies.- Theories and Practice of Government.- The commissioning system in action.- The DHSS and the Research Management System.- Science and Macro Scientific Policy: the Case of the CSRC and the Intermediate Boards.- The Chief Scientist's Organisation and the Research Councils: the Case of the Panel on Medical Research and Relationships with the SSRC.- Research Liaison Groups and the Small Grants Committee: Two Contrasting Systems.- The Chief Scientist's Organisation and External Research Bases: the Case of the DHSS Research Units.- Review of Units and Scientific Merit: Chief Scientist's Visits.- Review of Units and Policy Relevance: the Customer Review.- Emerging processes and roles.- The Functions, Process and Impact of Research Commissioning.- Emerging Roles.- Policy after Rothschild and Generalisations.

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