Charting a New Course: Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval.

eBook - Essays in Honour of Karen Spärck Jones, The Information Retrieval Series

Erschienen am 01.08.2005, 1. Auflage 2005
111,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781402034671
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 283 S., 5.07 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Karen Spärck Jones is one of the major figures of 20th century and early 21st Century computing and information processing. Her ideas have had an important influence on the development of Internet Search Engines. Her contribution has been recognized by awards from the natural language processing, information retrieval and artificial intelligence communities, including being asked to present the prestigious Grace Hopper lecture. She continues to be an active and influential researcher. Her contribution to the scientific evaluation of the effectiveness of such computer systems has been quite outstanding.

This book celebrates the life and work of Karen Spärck Jones in her seventieth year. It consists of fifteen new and original chapters written by leading international authorities reviewing the state of the art and her influence in the areas in which Karen Spärck Jones has been active. Although she has a publication record which goes back over forty years, it is clear even the very early work reviewed in the book can be read with profit by those working on recent developments in information processing like bioinformatics and the semantic web.


A Retrospective View of Synonymy and Semantic Classification.- On the Early History of Evaluation in IR.- The Emergence of Probabilistic Accounts of Information Retrieval.- Lovins Revisited.- The History of IDF and Its Influences on IR and Other Fields.- Beyond English Text: Multilingual and Multimedia Information Retrieval.- Karen Spärck Jones and Summarization.- Question Answering.- Noun Compounds Revisited.- Lexical Decomposition: For and Against.- The Importance of Focused Evaluations: A Case Study of TREC and DUC.- Mice from a Mountain: Reflections on Current Issues in Evaluation of Written Language Technology.- The Evaluation of Retrieval Effectiveness in Chemical Database Searching.- Unhappy Bedfellows: The Relationship of AI and IR.

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