Ice, Rock, and Beauty

eBook - A Visual Tour of the New Solar System

Erschienen am 23.09.2007, 1. Auflage 2007
37,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9780387731032
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 134 S., 262.53 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Although most people have some knowledge of the essential structure of the Solar System, few are familiar with the large and varied array of objects that travel with and between the planets in their journeys around the Sun.

Imaging techniques from Earth continue to improve, while missions such as Voyager, Galileo and the Hubble Space Telescope have yielded many excellent images. Most significantly of all, several missions in recent years have shown a huge diversity of objects in close-up for the first time. The book will take advantage of the rich pool of images that is available, to tell a story of the Solar System that has not been told before.

Smaller Bodies will be a collection of approximately 72 stunning images, all from the public domain but not hitherto gathered into a coherent collection, with supporting text and graphics. Each main image will be accompanied by a graphic showing the location in the Solar System of the featured object. All of these graphics will be based in a simple template providing a simple representation of the Solar System. Text will not be extensive, allowing page design to have a high priority, and will be of three kinds. Main text (approximately 200 words) will provide stimulating introduction and some key ideas. Text headed The object(s) (25-75 words) will provide a brief description of featured objects. Text headed The image (25-75 words) will provide information on the source of the image and some brief technical information where required (such as in describing use of false color).

The book is intended for anybody who lives in solar orbit and takes a general interest in the solar neighborhood.


David Brodie is the author of several successful educational textbooks and his travel writing has been published in the national press. He has initiated and run art-science projects on neuroscience and on particle physics, resulting in significant national exhibitions.


The Wonder Just Goes On and On.- Within Ourselves.- That's You, Right in the Middle.- Not Quite a Bee's Eye View.- The Namer and the Named.- The Truth but not the Whole Truth.- What Happened Next.- Up and Down.- What It's Good At.- Third Rock and a Bit.- A Fabulous Night.- Aorounga to Zapadnaya (by Way of Manicouagan).- Known and Unknown.- Works of Nature.- And Cold Indifference.- Enough Way Beyonds.- A Pretty Face but a Cold One.- A Journey of a Thousand Lifetimes.- A Moon of One's Own.- No Substitute for Going There.- Ringshine.- Beneath the Blowing Sands.- Designed by Committee.- No Ordinary String.- An Innocent Passer-by?.- Once Upon a Time, Long Ago.- Bigger Than We Are.- Unpossessed.- So Similar, So Different.- As an Angel.- Tricks of the Light.- More Than a Match.- Curiously Normal.- Looking Again.- Realities Like This.- Above a Turbulent Sky.- They All Turn out Differently.- Warhol's Worlds.- An Edge of Darkness.- No Moon Is an Island.- What Shall We Call Her?.- The Wrong Place at the Wrong Time.- Heaven's Harpstrings.- And the Gates of Hell.- Simple Rings.- Crime Scene Investigation.- The Dust Left Behind.- Skies on Fire.- Looking on the Bright Side.- Fragments of Truth.- All Her Thoughts.- Leaving Just the Oddballs.- Epic Stories.- Mimas in Blue.- Taking What You Can Get.- Time in the Sun.- Something out there Moving.- This Side of Xanadu.- Simplicity Too.- The Journey of a Hero.- Whatever Seasons.- Forever Entangled.

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