Doctor and Patient


Erschienen am 16.09.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 8596547364214
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 88 S., 0.29 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


In 'Doctor and Patient' by S. Weir Mitchell, the readers are taken on a profound journey into the medical and psychological realms of the doctor-patient relationship in the 19th century. Mitchell's writing style is characterized by a detailed and insightful exploration of the intricacies of this unique dynamic, offering a blend of medical expertise and compassionate understanding. The book not only serves as a valuable historical document of medical practices of that era but also delves into the emotional and psychological aspects of healing and caregiving. Mitchell's work stands out for its relevance in the literary context of medical humanities and the ethics of patient care. Driven by his experience as a prominent physician, Mitchell brings a unique perspective to the narrative, making it a must-read for those interested in medical history and human relationships. 'Doctor and Patient' is a captivating and thought-provoking read that sheds light on the timeless dynamics of the doctor-patient relationship, making it an essential addition to any scholarly library.


Silas Weir Mitchell (18291914) was a distinguished American physician, neurologist, and author, renowned for his multifaceted contributions to medical science and literature. Born in Philadelphia, Mitchell pursued his medical degree at Jefferson Medical College, graduating in 1850. Over the ensuing decades, he emerged as a leading figure in the medical community, notably in the field of neurology. His experiences during the Civil War, where he treated nerve injuries and paralysis, led to significant advances in neurology and the development of rest cure therapy, a treatment he proposed for nervous disorders. Mitchell published extensively in the realm of medical literature, with one of his notable works being 'Doctor and Patient' (1888), in which he explored the intricate dynamics of the doctor-patient relationship and the psychological aspects of illness. Mitchell's literary style in his medical writings is characterized by a clarity of expression and a compassionate understanding of the human condition, reflecting his dual empathy as a physician and a storyteller. Beyond his medical texts, Mitchell also penned novels and poetry, showcasing his narrative flair and ability to capture the nuances of character and place. His contributions to American literature and medicine were significant during his lifetime, and his work continues to be studied for its historical and scientific value.

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