Economy of the Round Dairy Barn


Erschienen am 16.09.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 8596547363538
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 44 S., 1.89 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


In 'Economy of the Round Dairy Barn,' Wilber J. Fraser delves into the architectural and economic significance of the iconic round dairy barns that dotted the American landscape in the early 20th century. Through meticulous research and detailed analysis, Fraser explores how these innovative structures revolutionized dairy farming practices and increased efficiency in milk production. Drawing on a combination of historical documents and architectural studies, Fraser presents a comprehensive account of the design, construction, and functionality of round dairy barns, shedding light on their cultural and economic impact. His engaging and scholarly writing style makes this book a valuable resource for historians, architects, and anyone interested in agricultural history. Wilber J. Fraser, an esteemed architectural historian, draws on his expertise in vernacular architecture and agricultural history to offer readers a unique perspective on the development of dairy farming in America. His passion for preserving the legacy of round dairy barns shines through in the meticulous research and insightful commentary found in this book. I highly recommend 'Economy of the Round Dairy Barn' to readers who appreciate a well-researched and engaging exploration of a lesser-known aspect of American agricultural history.


Wilber J. Fraser was an influential agriculturalist and author, renowned for his contributions to farm architecture and management during the early 20th century. His seminal work, 'Economy of the Round Dairy Barn,' showcases his innovative approach to dairy farming and has been a reference point for agricultural efficiency and building design. Fraser's expertise in dairy farming stemmed from both extensive research and practical experience, allowing him to develop a comprehensive understanding of the economic and structural factors that contribute to successful farm operations. His advocacy for the round dairy barn design was driven by its advantages in terms of labor efficiency, better ventilation, and improved animal welfare. Fraser's literary style is characterized by clear, methodical exposition and an emphasis on empirical data to support his claims, reflecting his scientific approach to farm economy. While his publications may not be extensive, 'Economy of the Round Dairy Barn' stands as a testament to his impact on agricultural methodologies and his forward-thinking attitude towards farm design. Fraser's work continues to be of historical interest to agricultural researchers and practitioners interested in the evolution of farm architecture and management practices.

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