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George Sand: Some Aspects of Her Life and Writings


Erschienen am 16.09.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 8596547363248
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 168 S., 0.48 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


René Doumic's George Sand: Some Aspects of Her Life and Writings is a captivating exploration of the life and works of the iconic French novelist George Sand. Doumic delves into Sand's revolutionary literary contributions which challenged societal norms and redefined the role of women in literature during the 19th century. The book meticulously analyzes Sand's writing style, themes of love, gender roles, and social issues, placing her within the broader context of French Romanticism. Doumic's insightful analysis offers readers a comprehensive understanding of Sand's enduring legacy in the literary world. René Doumic, a renowned literary critic and historian, brings his expertise to this study, shedding light on the influences and motivations behind Sand's groundbreaking writing. His deep knowledge of French literature and history provides a rich and informative perspective on the complexities of Sand's life and works. George Sand: Some Aspects of Her Life and Writings is a must-read for those interested in feminist literature, French Romanticism, and the evolution of literary conventions.


René Doumic (1860-1937), a distinguished French literary critic and historian, was a discerning scholar of 19th and early 20th-century French literature. His insights into the literary movements and the personal lives of the writers of his era remain influential in the field of literary criticism. Doumic was a member of the esteemed Académie Française and served as its permanent secretary. Known for his incisive and sometimes severe critical style, Doumic's works often interrogated the moral and stylistic elements of literature, reflecting his conservative views on art and society.One of Doumic's notable contributions is 'George Sand: Some Aspects of Her Life and Writings,' which provides an in-depth analysis of the life and works of the prominent French novelist George Sand. In this study, Doumic blends biographical narrative with critical examination, illuminating Sand's complex character and prolific literary output. He approached Sand's works with academic rigor, balancing appreciation for her craft with critiques of her social and ethical perspectives. Doumic's work is characterized by his balanced literary judgment and comprehensive knowledge of French literature, which allowed him to offer readers a thorough understanding of an author's contributions within the broader context of literary history and movements.

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