A Bold Stroke for a Husband

eBook - A Comedy in Five Acts

Erschienen am 16.09.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 8596547362654
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 52 S., 0.33 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Hannah Cowley's A Bold Stroke for a Husband is a captivating play that exemplifies the feminist themes prevalent in late 18th-century literature. The book follows the story of a resourceful young woman who takes matters into her own hands to secure a husband, challenging societal norms of the time. Cowley's writing style is marked by witty dialogue and a keen sense of social satire, making the play a delightful read for those interested in the comedic genre of the period. Set in the backdrop of the Enlightenment era, the play reflects on the changing roles of women in society and the newfound emphasis on individual agency and choice. Cowley's clever use of language and character development brings life to the vibrant world of 18th-century England, engaging readers in a thought-provoking exploration of gender dynamics and social expectations.


Hannah Cowley (17431809) was an esteemed English playwright and poet whose work made a significant impact during the late 18th century, an era now referred to as the age of sensibility. Cowley's literary style was heavily influenced by the socio-cultural context of her time, marked by the valorization of emotion and the burgeoning feminist consciousness. In her career, Cowley penned numerous plays, with her most acclaimed being 'The Belle's Stratagem' and 'A Bold Stroke for a Husband.' While the latter does not reach the same fame as the former, it still showcases Cowley's sharp wit and keen understanding of dramatic structure that often centered around themes of marriage, gender roles, and female agency. 'A Bold Stroke for a Husband' is notable for its lively plot and complex characterization, which revealed Cowley's ability to engage with theatrical conventions while simultaneously challenging societal norms. Her work contributed to the 'comedy of manners' genre, with an emphasis on rigorously criticizing and satirizing the status quo of her time. Reminiscent of her contemporaries, such as Sheridan and Goldsmith, Cowley's legacy endures through her innovative contributions to literature and her role in pushing the boundaries of female authorship during a period when women's voices were frequently marginalized.

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