To the Front: A Sequel to Cadet Days


Erschienen am 16.09.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 8596547362647
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 112 S., 1.18 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


In Charles King's 'To the Front: A Sequel to Cadet Days', the reader is transported back to the late 19th century to experience the challenges and triumphs of a young cadet's journey in the military academy. Written in a straightforward yet evocative style, the book captures the essence of honor, duty, and camaraderie that was prevalent during that era. King's narrative is not only historically accurate but also rich in detail, allowing readers to fully immerse themselves in the world of military life in the late 1800s. The book serves as a valuable literary piece that sheds light on the values and traditions of the time, making it a captivating read for history enthusiasts and fiction lovers alike. Charles King, a former Army officer and accomplished author, draws upon his firsthand experiences in the military to craft a story that resonates with authenticity and truth. His deep understanding of military life and his ability to depict it with precision make 'To the Front' a compelling and insightful read. King's dedication to preserving the spirit of the past through his writing is evident in the meticulous research and attention to detail displayed in this sequel. 'To the Front: A Sequel to Cadet Days' is a must-read for those interested in historical fiction, military history, and the values of honor and camaraderie. Charles King's masterful storytelling and vivid portrayal of cadet life make this book a timeless classic that will leave a lasting impression on readers.


Charles King (18441933) was a prolific American author, who was renowned for his narrative skills and accurate depiction of military life. Born in New York, King pursued a career as a soldier, graduating from West Point in 1866 and eventually achieving the rank of Brigadier General. His experiences in the military deeply influenced his writing, as seen in his extensive collection of novels which often drew from his firsthand knowledge of army life and warfare. 'To the Front: A Sequel to Cadet Days,' is one such work that showcases his ability to blend adventure with authenticity, providing readers with a vivid depiction of a soldier's experiences. King's literary style was characterized by robust storytelling, with a sharp attention to detaila reflection of his military precision. His books were not only entertaining but also provided outsiders with an educational glimpse into the daily rigors and the camaraderie of military academia and life on the field. Despite the abundance of military-themed literature during and after his time, King's works continued to be distinguished by critics for their realism and compelling characterizations. His contribution to the literature of American military fiction remains significant, and his writings continue to be of interest to those studying the cultural and historical aspects of military society in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

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