The Brown Mask


Erschienen am 16.09.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
1,99 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 8596547362302
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 226 S., 0.61 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Percy James Brebner's novel, The Brown Mask, is a gripping tale set in Victorian England that delves into themes of identity, deception, and the struggle for power. The book is written in a gothic style, filled with atmospheric descriptions and intricate character development that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. Brebner skillfully weaves together a complex plot with unexpected twists and turns that will leave readers questioning the true nature of the characters. The Brown Mask stands out as a prime example of sensational fiction of the period. Percy James Brebner, known for his vivid imagination and psychological insight, draws on his own experiences living in 19th-century England to create a world that is both fascinating and chilling. His unique perspective adds depth to the narrative, making The Brown Mask a standout work in the genre. I recommend this novel to readers who enjoy suspenseful tales with a gothic flair and a keen eye for social commentary.


Percy James Brebner (18641922), was a prolific Scottish novelist and playwright whose literary career bridged the turn of the 20th century. Primarily known for his historical romances, adventure fiction, and intriguing plots, Brebner often published under his own name and under the pseudonym Christian Lys. 'The Brown Mask' is one of Brebner's notable works that showcases his adept storytelling and fondness for weaving tales of suspense and action. The narrative, set against the backdrop of political turmoil, is an exemplary specimen of Brebner's ability to create immersive historical contexts for his characters and his audience. Brebner's literary style is characterized by a smooth blend of vivid description and swift pacing, features that earned him recognition among his contemporaries and the affection of an enthusiastic readership. Although his name may not resonate as loudly as some of his peers like Sir Arthur Conan Doyle or H.G. Wells, Brebner's contribution to genre literature, through works such as 'The Brown Mask', continues to be appreciated for its entertainment value and its depiction of the social milieu of his time.

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