Jemima Placid; or, The Advantage of Good-Nature


Erschienen am 16.09.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 8596547361497
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 52 S., 2.36 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


In 'Jemima Placid; or, The Advantage of Good-Nature,' Mary Ann Kilner presents a tale interwoven with moral didacticism, characteristic of 18th-century children's literature. The book stands as a testament to the era's emphasis on instructive storytelling, designed to instill virtues in young readers. Kilner's narrative delivers this ethos through the titular character, Jemima Placid, whose unwavering good-nature ultimately leads her to favorable circumstances, emphasizing the inherent rewards of kindness and patience. The literary style of the work aligns with its contemporaries, adopting a clear and direct prose that reflects the pedagogical purpose of the book, all while ensuring that its message is accessible to its young audience. Kilner's work also takes its place among early female-authored texts that contribute to the broader literary context in which women's writing played a crucial role in shaping children's education and moral development.Mary Ann Kilner (previously Mary Ann Mazel), the author of this gentle admonition, was herself no stranger to the principles she espoused. Living in an age where the characters of women authors were often scrutinized, Kilner's creation is reflective of her own values and the cultural expectations of feminine behavior during the late 18th century. The act of penning 'Jemima Placid' may be viewed as both an earnest effort to impart life lessons to youth and as an assertion of Kilner's intellect and moral compass in a society that was beginning to recognize the significance of women's contribution to literature and education.The reissue of 'Jemima Placid; or, The Advantage of Good-Nature' by DigiCat Publishing invites modern readers to a refined journey back into literary history. Recommended for enthusiasts of classic children's literature and scholars of women's writing, this book not only provides a glimpse into the foundations of character education but also serves as a piece of social documentation from the perspective of an 18th-century female author. As DigiCat preserves the integrity of Kilner's work, new generations are given the chance to embrace and appreciate the gentle potency of good-nature as extolled by this pioneering woman writer.


Mary Ann Kilner (1741-1831) was an English author renowned for her children's literature that often carried moral lessons reflective of the societal values of her time. She was part of the noteworthy circle of 18th-century female writers who contributed significantly to the didactic genre for young readers. Kilner is best known for 'Jemima Placid; or, The Advantage of Good-Nature' (1783), a narrative which imparts the virtues of good temperament and the social rewards of possessing a pleasing disposition. Her storytelling frequently combined compelling characters with instructional themes, offering clear examples of the consequences of one's actions within a moralistic framework. Kilner's narratives were not only guides for children's behavior but also served as reflections of the interactions between social classes, drawing from her observations of contemporary family dynamics. Through her work, Kilner left a pedagogical legacy that underlined the educational role of literature in the formation of young minds and emphasized the importance of literature as a tool for inculcating societal values. Her approach to storytelling and the articulation of moral themes paved the way for subsequent generations of authors in the children's literature genre.

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