Phallic Miscellanies

eBook - Facts and Phases of Ancient and Modern Sex Worship, as Illustrated Chiefly in the Religions of India

Erschienen am 16.09.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 8596547361282
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 195 S., 0.43 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


In 'Phallic Miscellanies' by Hargrave Jennings, the author explores ancient symbols and their significance in various cultures. Written in a scholarly and informative style, this book delves into the phallic imagery found in art, architecture, and religious practices throughout history. Jennings carefully analyzes the hidden meanings behind these symbols, shedding light on their often overlooked importance in society. This work is a fascinating study of symbolism and its pervasive presence in human culture, making it a valuable resource for scholars and enthusiasts alike. Jennings's writing is intricate and thorough, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. His attention to detail and depth of research offer a unique perspective on the significance of phallic symbols in different contexts. Readers will be captivated by the wealth of knowledge presented in this thought-provoking book, as Jennings skillfully connects ancient beliefs to contemporary understanding. 'Phallic Miscellanies' is a must-read for anyone interested in symbolism, cultural studies, or art history.


Hargrave Jennings was an English author and occultist, renowned for his works on esoteric subjects and spiritual philosophy. Born in the early 19th century, his life was marked by a keen interest in the esoteric and the hidden dimensions of religious and mystical traditions. Jennings was deeply engaged in Rosicrucianism and was associated with the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia, an organization which influenced his thought and writings. His literary contributions include 'Phallic Miscellanies,' a work that explores the symbolic and ritualistic importance of phallic symbols across different cultures and ages. His exploration into this subject reflects a wider 19th-century fascination with the intersection of sexuality, spirituality, and ancient wisdom. Jennings's writings are characterized by a dense, erudite style, and he often drew upon a vast array of sources to support his arguments. In addition to his explorations of phallic symbolism, Jennings contributed to the understanding of the Rosicrucian order, freemasonry, and the broader hermetic tradition. His overall literary work is representative of Victorian esoteric thought and has been a subject of interest for scholars studying the history of Western esotericism and the Romantic intellectual climate. Though Jennings's works are somewhat obscure today, they continue to be valuable to those interested in 19th-century esotericism and the Victorian fascination with the mystical and the arcane.

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