Oriental Encounters: Palestine and Syria, 1894-6


Erschienen am 16.09.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 8596547361244
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 135 S., 0.43 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Marmaduke William Pickthall's 'Oriental Encounters: Palestine and Syria, 1894-6' is a captivating account of the author's travels through the region during the late 19th century. Through vivid descriptions and insightful observations, Pickthall paints a detailed picture of the people, landscapes, and cultures he encounters, offering readers a unique glimpse into a bygone era. Written in a flowing and engaging style, the book combines travelogue with cultural analysis, making it a valuable resource for scholars and enthusiasts of Middle Eastern history and literature. Pickthall's firsthand experiences provide a rich tapestry of information about the region's customs, traditions, and societal structures. His keen eye for detail and deep interest in the subject matter shine through in every page, making this book a must-read for anyone interested in the Orient in the late 19th century. Marmaduke William Pickthall, a British author and scholar, had a deep connection to the Middle East, having converted to Islam and lived in various Arab countries. His personal experiences and intimate knowledge of the region undoubtedly influenced the writing of 'Oriental Encounters,' giving the book an authenticity and depth that few others can match. Pickthall's background as a prolific writer and translator also adds to the credibility of his work, making him a respected authority on the subject. For readers interested in a firsthand account of Palestine and Syria in the late 19th century, 'Oriental Encounters' is a must-read. Pickthall's immersive narrative and astute observations offer a unique perspective on the region's history, culture, and people, making this book a valuable addition to any library on Middle Eastern studies.


Marmaduke William Pickthall (18751936) was a British writer, Islamic scholar, and translator, renowned for his deep engagement with Islamic culture and his literary works that often reflected themes of Eastern life and perceptions. A convert to Islam, Pickthall's knowledge of Arabic and his lived experiences in the Middle East enabled him to write with authority and empathy about the region and its people. His passion for the subject is discernible in his travelogue 'Oriental Encounters: Palestine and Syria, 1894-6' which conveys not just the landscapes and historic sites but also the lived reality of the inhabitants. Pickthall's writing is characterized by an observant narrative style that seamlessly blends travel observation with cultural analysis. His sincere approach to bridging Western and Eastern perspectives was ahead of his time, contributing to a better understanding of the Islamic world among his Western readership. His work as a translator culminated in the respected 'The Meaning of the Glorious Koran', which remains an important English translation of the Quran to this day. Pickthall's scholarly contributions and his evocative literary style make him an enduring figure in the dialogue between cultures and in the translation of Islamic religious texts.

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