Miss Leslie's Complete Cookery

eBook - Directions for Cookery, in Its Various Branches

Erschienen am 15.09.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 8596547357148
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 625 S., 0.92 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Eliza Leslie's 'Miss Leslie's Complete Cookery' is a comprehensive guide to 19th-century American cuisine, offering a wide array of recipes and culinary techniques. The book showcases Leslie's precise and detailed instructions, making it a valuable resource for anyone interested in historical cooking practices. Written in a clear and accessible style, the text reflects the author's commitment to educating and empowering women in the domestic sphere. Leslie incorporates a mix of traditional dishes and innovative recipes, highlighting her culinary expertise and creativity. Eliza Leslie, a prominent 19th-century American author and educator, was known for her influential cookbooks and household management guides. Her writing was informed by a deep understanding of domestic responsibilities and the role of women in society. 'Miss Leslie's Complete Cookery' exemplifies Leslie's dedication to sharing practical knowledge with her readers, emphasizing the importance of culinary skills in maintaining a successful household. I highly recommend 'Miss Leslie's Complete Cookery' to both culinary enthusiasts and those interested in historical domestic practices. Leslie's timeless recipes and insightful advice offer a fascinating glimpse into 19th-century American culture and cuisine.


Eliza Leslie (17871858), often referred to as Miss Leslie, was an influential American author in the 19th century, renowned for her cookbooks and writings on etiquette. Born in Philadelphia to a watchmaker who served in the Revolution, Leslie carved her niche in culinary literature with precision and accessibility. Her foray into the literary world began with contributions to local periodicals, but it was her 'Miss Leslie's Complete Cookery' that cemented her reputation as a domestic authority. This comprehensive guide, notable for its clear recipes and practical advice, became a cornerstone in American kitchens during the era. Leslie's culinary works are remembered for their clarity, organization, and detail, mirroring the Victorian emphasis on domestic propriety. She often included Americanized versions of European dishes, reflecting a blend of cultural influences in the growing nation. Besides cooking, Leslie authored works on manner and etiquette, showcasing her versatility and keen observation of social norms. Her literary style is didactic yet engaging, aiming to educate women in refined domestic management while ensuring the content is approachable and useful for her readers. Leslie's contributions to American culinary literature were instrumental in defining the country's tastes and cooking practices in the 1800s, and her work remains a valuable resource for historical cooking methods and cultural insights.

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