Fairies and Folk of Ireland


Erschienen am 16.09.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 8596547355458
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 168 S., 1.35 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


In 'Fairies and Folk of Ireland' by William Henry Frost, readers are transported into the magical realm of Irish folklore, encountering tales of fairies, leprechauns, and other mystical creatures. Frost presents these stories with a whimsical and enchanting literary style, capturing the essence of Irish storytelling traditions. The book not only serves as a collection of entertaining and enchanting tales but also provides a glimpse into the rich cultural heritage of Ireland. Frost's meticulous research and attention to detail make these stories come to life, allowing readers to immerse themselves in the captivating world of Irish folklore. Beyond its entertainment value, 'Fairies and Folk of Ireland' offers valuable insights into the significance of folklore in shaping national identity and cultural narratives. William Henry Frost, a renowned folklorist and historian, was inspired to compile this collection by his deep admiration for Irish culture and his dedication to preserving traditional folklore. His expertise in the field is evident in the depth and authenticity of the stories presented in this book. For readers keen on exploring the enchanting world of Irish folklore and gaining a deeper understanding of Irish culture, 'Fairies and Folk of Ireland' is a must-read.


William Henry Frost (18561907) was an American author and educator best known for his contributions to literature for young readers during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Frost's work often delved into the realm of folklore and mythology, with a particular focus on Irish traditions. His book 'Fairies and Folk of Ireland' is a cherished collection that captures the whimsical and enchanting tales of Irish fairies, leprechauns, and other mythical creatures. Written in a narrative style that combines both the storytelling cadence of folklore with the approachable prose suited for younger audiences, Frost's work not only thrills with adventures of the ethereal but also provides insight into the cultural heritage of Ireland. A keen observer of folklore, Frost's renditions are both respectful to the source material and adapted to captivate the imaginations of children and adults alike. Frost's literary style often weaves together the supernatural with the everyday, creating a seamless blend that invites readers into a world where the fantastic is possible. Through his writings, Frost has left an indelible mark on the genre of children's literature, with his works continuing to be appreciated for their ability to transport readers into the magical realm of folklore.

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