The Mountain Divide


Erschienen am 16.09.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 8596547352853
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 139 S., 0.70 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


In 'The Mountain Divide' by Frank H. Spearman, the reader is taken on a thrilling adventure through the rugged terrain of the American West. The novel is a prime example of a classic Western with its vivid descriptions of the landscape and intense action sequences. Spearman's literary style is characterized by his attention to detail and his ability to create a sense of tension and suspense throughout the book. Set against the backdrop of the construction of a railroad, the novel explores themes of greed, loyalty, and redemption. The Mountain Divide stands out as a compelling work in the genre of Western fiction, providing readers with an immersive reading experience like no other. Frank H. Spearman, a former railway executive, drew upon his own experiences in the railroad industry to write this gripping tale. His firsthand knowledge of the setting and subject matter shines through in the novel, lending an authentic atmosphere to the narrative. Readers interested in Western fiction and tales of adventure will find 'The Mountain Divide' to be a captivating and enthralling read worth exploring.


Frank Hamilton Spearman (18591937) was an American author known for his captivating tales of the American West and the burgeoning era of railroad expansion. Born in Buffalo, New York, Spearman's interest in the railways began at a young age, eventually shaping much of his literary work. 'The Mountain Divide,' one of his numerous works, encapsulates the daring spirit and the trials faced by those who toiled on the railroads and in the close-knit communities they served. Spearman's narratives frequently showcased the rugged landscape, the moral integrity and the fortitude of his characters, earning him a place in the annals of Western literary genre. His writing style was characterized by meticulous attention to detail and a clear respect for the railroaders whose lives he depicted with both realism and romanticism. Besides 'The Mountain Divide,' Spearman's bibliography includes other notable works such as 'Whispering Smith' and 'Nerve of Foley,' both of which further illustrate his dedication to the Western storytelling tradition. His contributions have not only entertained generations of readers but have also served as cultural artifacts that document and celebrate a transformative period in American history.

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