The Scouts of the Valley


Erschienen am 16.09.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 8596547347262
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 260 S., 0.55 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Joseph A. Altsheler's novel, 'The Scouts of the Valley,' is a captivating historical fiction set during the American Revolutionary War. The book follows the adventures of two young boys who become scouts for the Continental Army, providing readers with a thrilling tale of loyalty, bravery, and camaraderie. Altsheler's writing style is marked by vivid descriptions of the surrounding landscapes and intense battle scenes, immersing the reader in the tumultuous time period. The novel also touches upon themes of patriotism and sacrifice, making it a poignant and impactful read for those interested in American history. Joseph A. Altsheler, a prolific writer known for his historical fiction aimed at young readers, drew inspiration for 'The Scouts of the Valley' from his own fascination with military history and his desire to educate and entertain audiences. His meticulous research and attention to detail shine through in the intricate plot and well-developed characters, showcasing his dedication to providing an authentic representation of the past. I highly recommend 'The Scouts of the Valley' to anyone looking for an engaging and educational read that offers a glimpse into the lives of individuals caught up in the tumult of the American Revolution. Altsheler's storytelling prowess and historical accuracy make this novel a must-read for history buffs and fiction enthusiasts alike.


Joseph Alexander Altsheler (18621919) was an American journalist and author of popular juvenile historical fiction. Born on April 29, 1862, in Three Springs, Hart County, Kentucky, Altsheler eventually became a prolific writer, best known for his adventure stories for young readers that often wove themes of patriotism within the fabric of historical context. His work includes the series 'The French and Indian War Series' and 'The Young Trailers Series,' where 'The Scouts of the Valley' often stands out as a prime example of his narrative prowess. This engaging book, like many of his works, is set during the turbulent times of the American frontier and showcases his ability to create compelling and educative narratives. Altsheler's literary style is marked by a deep affection for his characters, attention to historical accuracy, and an ability to bring history alive for his readers. His stories are characterized by their clean prose, vivid descriptions of the wilderness, and an emphasis on moral values. Altsheler's contributions to juvenile literature have indeed helped in shaping the genre, inspiring generations of young readers to explore American history through his adventurous tales. Despite the sometimes romanticized nature of his storytelling, Altsheler has been praised for his dedication to crafting stories that not only entertain but also inform, leaving a lasting impact on the field of historical fiction for youth.

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