A College Girl


Erschienen am 16.09.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 8596547345978
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 224 S., 0.64 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


George de Horne Mrs. Vaizey's novel, 'A College Girl', delves into the life of a young woman navigating the challenges of higher education and personal growth. Written in Vaizey's characteristic charming and engaging style, the book provides a glimpse into the literary context of early 20th-century British domestic fiction. Through vivid descriptions and relatable characters, Vaizey sheds light on the social norms and gender dynamics of the time, making the novel both a captivating read and a valuable insight into the era's cultural landscape. The narrative follows the protagonist's journey of self-discovery and independence, offering a thoughtful portrayal of societal expectations and personal aspirations. Vaizey's attention to detail and nuanced storytelling make 'A College Girl' a compelling exploration of youth, education, and womanhood in Edwardian England. Readers will appreciate the author's insightful commentary on women's experiences in a changing society, as well as the timeless themes of identity and empowerment that resonate throughout the book.


George de Horne Mrs. Vaizey, often published simply as Mrs. George de Horne Vaizey, was the pen name of Jessie Bell (née Mansergh), an esteemed English writer born on January 25, 1857. She married Henry Mansergh, a cotton broker, and later George de Horne Vaizey, whose surname she adopted professionally. Mrs. Vaizey gained prominence in the late 19th and early 20th centuries for her contribution to domestic fiction, well-known for delving into the lives and experiences of middle and upper-class families with a particular focus on the experiences of women as they navigate personal growth, societal expectations, and educational pursuits. 'A College Girl' is one of her most celebrated works, offering insightful commentary on the challenges and opportunities that girls faced in the realm of higher education during the era. This novel, like her others, is distinguished by its compelling characterization, engaging plots, and the keen observation of contemporary manners. Vaizey's writing style often includes a didactic element, implicitly imparting moral lessons to her readers. Her legacy endures in the early feminist literary canon, reflecting the evolving roles and rights of women in society. She continued to write prolifically until her death on January 23, 1917, leaving behind a substantial oeuvre that remains of scholarly interest for its portrayal of female agency in Victorian and Edwardian England.

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