The Blonde Lady

eBook - Being a Record of the Duel of Wits between Arsène Lupin and the English Detective

Erschienen am 16.09.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 8596547341659
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 157 S., 0.58 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Maurice Leblanc's 'The Blonde Lady' is a captivating mystery novel that follows the famous gentleman thief, Arsène Lupin, as he sets out to solve a puzzling case involving a mysterious blonde woman. Leblanc's writing style is engaging and filled with suspense, keeping readers on the edge of their seats as Lupin unravels the complex web of intrigue surrounding the enigmatic lady. Set in early 20th century France, the novel provides a glimpse into the society and culture of the time, making it not only an entertaining read but also a valuable literary work that reflects the era's fascination with crime and detective stories. Leblanc's attention to detail and clever plot twists make 'The Blonde Lady' a must-read for fans of detective fiction and classic literature alike.


Maurice Leblanc, born on November 11, 1864, in Rouen, France, and passing on November 6, 1941, was an acclaimed French writer best known for creating the fictional gentleman thief and detective, Arsène Lupin. Leblanc began his literary career as a journalist and short-story writer before diverting to novels and crime fiction. He launched into literary stardom with the serialization of the tales of Arsène Lupin in the magazine 'Je sais tout', which resonated immensely with the French public for its wit, gallantry, and intrigue. 'The Blonde Lady', considered one of Leblanc's outstanding works, is a sequel to 'Arsène Lupin, Gentleman-Burglar' and continues to unfold the complex, charming, and elusive character of Lupin in a series of connected stories where he matches wits with Sherlock Holmes, an intellectual duel that captivated readers. The success of these stories solidified Leblanc's position in the canon of detective fiction, alongside contemporaries like Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. His literary style combines elements of traditional detective narratives with a flair for humor, romance, and social satire, earning him a distinguished place in early 20th-century literature. Leblanc was awarded the Légion d'Honneur for his contributions to French literature and to this day, his creation, Arsène Lupin, remains a beloved figure in popular culture.

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