Landtakers: The Story of an Epoch


Erschienen am 15.09.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
1,99 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 8596547322306
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 393 S., 0.73 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


In 'Landtakers: The Story of an Epoch' by Brian Penton, the reader is taken on a captivating journey through the Australian outback during the pioneering days of the late 19th century. The novel is written in a vivid and descriptive style, allowing the reader to fully immerse themselves in the harsh yet beautiful landscape that serves as the backdrop for the story. Penton's attention to detail and historical accuracy paint a realistic picture of the challenges faced by the early settlers as they strive to make a home in a wild and untamed land. The novel is a compelling blend of adventure, romance, and historical fiction, making it a captivating read for anyone interested in the history of Australia. Brian Penton, a descendant of early Australian pioneers himself, drew inspiration from his own family history and extensive research to bring 'Landtakers' to life. His deep connection to the land and its people shines through in his writing, adding an authenticity and emotional depth to the narrative. Penton's passion for preserving the stories of the past is evident in the meticulous detail and rich character development found throughout the book. I highly recommend 'Landtakers: The Story of an Epoch' to anyone who enjoys historical fiction, particularly those with an interest in Australian history. Brian Penton's masterful storytelling and in-depth knowledge of the time period make this novel a must-read for history buffs and fiction enthusiasts alike.


Brian Penton was an Australian journalist and novelist, best recognized for his historical novel 'Landtakers: The Story of an Epoch,' which vividly chronicles Australia's pioneering era. Born in 1904, Penton began his career as a journalist, quickly earning a reputation for his incisive and often controversial commentaries on politics and society. His foray into literature was marked by the publication of 'Landtakers' in 1934, which emerged as a seminal work in Australian literature, appreciated for its robust narrative and compelling depiction of the struggles faced by early settlers in Queensland. Penton's work is characterized by a deep understanding of the Australian landscape and ethos, offering readers an immersive historical experience that delves into the complexities of human ambition, social hierarchy, and the harsh realities of colonial life. 'Landtakers' not only reflects Penton's journalistic precision but also his skillful storytelling, earning him a distinguished place in the annals of Australian literary history. Penton's legacy is that of a writer who captured the essence of a formative period in Australia's past, with a narrative that continues to resonate with readers interested in the nation's social and historical tapestry.

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