The Sheltered Life


Erschienen am 15.09.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 8596547320852
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 252 S., 0.64 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


In "The Sheltered Life" by Ellen Glasgow, the reader is transported into the world of Southern aristocracy in the late 19th century. Glasgow's subtle yet powerful prose captures the nuanced social dynamics of the time, exploring themes of privilege, class, and identity. The book's rich descriptions and vivid characterizations make it a compelling read, drawing readers into the inner lives of its characters. Glasgow's attention to detail and keen observations of human behavior add depth and complexity to the narrative, making it a standout work in Southern literature. Ellen Glasgow, a Pulitzer Prize-winning American novelist, draws upon her own experiences growing up in the South to inform her writing. Her keen insight into the culture and traditions of the region allows her to create authentic and believable characters that resonate with readers. Glasgow's ability to address social issues with sensitivity and intelligence sets her apart as a prominent voice in American literature. I highly recommend "The Sheltered Life" to readers interested in Southern literature, historical fiction, and thought-provoking explorations of privilege and class. Glasgow's compelling storytelling and sharp social commentary make this novel a timeless and engaging read.


Ellen Anderson Gholson Glasgow (1873-1945) was an American novelist who portrayed the changing world of the contemporary South. Born into an elite Virginia family, Glasgow felt constrained by the conservative values of her environment, which she ultimately channeled into her literary pursuits. With an extensive bibliography that includes 'The Sheltered Life' (1932), Glasgow developed a reputation for her deeply nuanced and realistic characters, often focusing on the theme of the changing social order and the conflict between traditional values and modern aspirations in the South. 'The Sheltered Life' examines the old Southern aristocracy and its decline, a recurrent theme in Glasgow's work. She won the Pulitzer Prize for Literature in 1942 for her novel 'In This Our Life,' which further validated her literary achievements. Glasgow's writing is known for its naturalistic style, psychological depth, and critical view of the social roles of women. Her work contributed to the Southern literary renaissance, and she became one of the first female writers to depict Southern women as strong characters grappling with the moral and social constraints of their time. Glasgow's literary contributions have made her an important figure in American literature, particularly in the portrayal of the modern South and its complex evolution.

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