The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come


Erschienen am 15.09.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 8596547320593
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 217 S., 0.47 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


John Fox's 'The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come' is a poignant novel set during the American Civil War, exploring themes of loyalty, friendship, and the impact of war on individuals. Fox's vivid descriptions and attention to detail bring the Appalachian landscape and its people to life, creating a rich literary tapestry that immerses the reader in the era. The novel's narrative style blends historical accuracy with emotional depth, making it both educational and emotionally resonant for readers interested in this period of American history. The character development and plot intricacies make it a compelling read for those who enjoy historical fiction with a focus on human relationships. John Fox, a Kentucky native, drew from his own experiences and his love for the region to write 'The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come'. His background as a lawyer and journalist provided him with the skills to craft a well-researched and engaging novel that captures the spirit of Appalachia during a tumultuous period in American history. Fox's personal connection to the setting shines through in his writing, adding authenticity and depth to the narrative. I highly recommend 'The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come' to readers who appreciate well-crafted historical fiction that delves into the human experience. Fox's novel offers a compelling blend of history, emotion, and character development that will resonate with those interested in the Civil War era and its impact on individuals.


John Fox Jr. (18621919) was an American novelist famous for his depiction of life in the Appalachian region of the United States. Born in Stony Point, Kentucky, Fox studied at Harvard University before becoming a journalist and later a prolific author. His experiences living in the mountainous areas of Kentucky greatly influenced his writing, leading him to publish works that offered readers a glimpse into the culture and struggles of the Appalachian people. His literary style is characterized by a blend of regional realism and romanticism, often focusing on themes of love, honor, and social upheaval.One of Fox's most beloved works is 'The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come' (1903), which is set against the backdrop of the American Civil War. This novel, which reflects Fox's intimate knowledge of the Kentucky highlands, tells the story of an orphan boy caught between the loyalty to his Southern roots and the growing divide leading to war. It remains a seminal piece showcasing Fox's acute sensitivity to the complexities of loyalty and identity in a torn nation. 'The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come' was popular in its time and continues to be studied for its cultural and historical significance. Fox's contribution to American literature is preserved through his vivid portrayal of the Appalachian people and his nuanced consideration of their societal dynamics.

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