
eBook - International Edition, Hannah Peters

Erschienen am 09.07.2019, 1. Auflage 2019
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783948093013
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 360 S., 3.05 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Beyond imagination. A menacing stone sculpture in the middle of the Sahara. A research group lost in a labyrinth of caves. And a woman who is the only one who can interpret the cryptic signs Amid ancient rock paintings deep in the heart of the Sahara, Hannah Peters, an experienced archaeologist, makes a startling discovery. A Medusa sculpture decorated with maps and symbols; a harbinger of a lost cult of fabulous beauty and sinister power. When a team from the National Geographic Society joins Hannah on her treasure hunt, she is overcome by a deep sense of foreboding. And the nightmare begins. Human senses are incapable of comprehending what the stone eye of the Medusa is capable of. It is not meant for the living


Thomas Thiemeyer, was born in 1963. He studied geology and geography before embarking on a career as a self-employed author and illustrator. His science fiction thrillers and young adult books have won numerous awards, sold more than a million copies and have been translated into thirteen different languages, permanently placing the author into the ranks of popular German fiction writers. His stories are in the tradition of classic adventure novels, often involving the discovery of lost cultures and ominous mysterious powers. The author currently lives with his family in Stuttgart, Germany.

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