Turning Your BlackBerry® Messenger Into a Goldmine


Erschienen am 09.02.2015, 1. Auflage 2015
11,99 €
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E-Book Download
Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783730937754
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 53 S., 1.70 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


With the recent news that is hitting the cyberspace about BlackBerry making available their most sought after BlackBerry Messenger popularly known as BBM to Android, iPad and iPhone users, how prepared are you to monetized your BBM and to take your ministry and business to the next level. I guess somebody is scratching his/her eyes saying I never thought of that. Yes, is true you can reach out to more souls and also monetize your BBM instead of burning your precious megabytes for unnecessary chats. Think out of the box and turn your BBM into a goldmine. Technology suppose to be a blessing but instead is becoming a curse to many. Relationships are being shattered because of technology. Many are cheating on their spouses, fiance and fiancee through BBM and WhatsApp because unlike Facebook it is on your phone and many password their phones, BBM and their WhatsApp and other messengers so that the hidden things they are doing might not be exposed to prying eyes. And the sad part of this is that many so called believers are caught up in this web of display of shame. Many have lost their consecrations because of technology! Lets wake up to realities and give God praise for giving us technology because it is not Devil's invention.I know the question in your mind now is how can i reach out to more souls or take my business and ministry to the next level with my BBM. You can discover the possibilty of it by getting this new ebook: TURNING YOUR BBM INTO A GOLDMINE. It will definitely blow your mind by the discovery you will make because i will take you step by step in getting total understanding of the BlackBerry Messenger and how it can work for you.

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