Logistics and Global Value Chains in Africa

eBook - The Impact on Trade and Development, Palgrave Studies of Sustainable Business in Africa

Erschienen am 14.08.2018, 1. Auflage 2018
111,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783319776521
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 0 S., 7.69 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Focusing on global value chains and their importance to trade, this edited collection explores the strategic role of logistics and supply chain infrastructure in the development of Africa. Skilled authors present critical analysis of the current state of logistics in Africa, and suggest improvements to policy and practice which address the issue of poor trading relationships. This book will engage entrepreneurs, academics and policy-makers interested in international business, raising awareness of the need for better trade infrastructure in Africa in order to ensure the continents economic development.


Adebisi Adewole is a lecturer in Logistics and Supply Chain Management at the University of the West of Scotland, UK. He is also Deputy Director of the Centre for African Research on Enterprise and Economic Development (CAREED) at the University of the West of Scotland.

John J. Struthers is Professor in the School of Business and Enterprise at the University of the West of Scotland, UK. He is also Director of CAREED.


Part I. Logistics and Supply Chain Strategy.- Chapter 1. Trade and Economic Development in Africa: The Interaction between Logistics and Global Value Chains; Adebisi Adewole and John J. Struthers.- Chapter 2.  Logistics and Supply Chain Infrastructure Development in Africa; Adebisi Adewole.- Chapter 3. Supply Chain Network and Logistics Management; Benjamin S. Bvepfepfe.- Chapter 4.  Freight Transport Technology: A Cost-effective/Time-efficient Solution to Sub-Saharan Africas Logistics Problems; David Burl.- Part II. Global Value Chain and Commodities Trade.- Chapter 5. Commodity Price Volatility: Causes, Policy Options, and Prospects for African Economies; John J. Struthers.- Chapter 6. Does Africa Have What it Takes to Upgrade in Global Value Chains?; Joseph K. Banini and Samuel K. Gayi.- Chapter 7. Logistics and Value Chain Development: Cost and Capability Considerations; Jodie Keane.- 8. The Importance of the Services Sector for Africa;Ottavia Pesce, Carolyne Tumuhimbise, William Davis and Lily Sommer.- Chapter 9. The Role of Market Institutions in Trade and Economic Development in Africa; Bla J.C. Eba, John J. Struthers.- Chapter 10. Can Trade Openness and Global Value Chains Improve Real GDP Growth& Human Development Index in Sub-Saharan African Countries?; Beatrice Isah Dara.

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