Vienna - A Doctor's Guide

eBook - 15 walking tours through Vienna's medical history

Erschienen am 13.12.2007, 1. Auflage 2007
74,95 €
(inkl. MwSt.)


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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783211489529
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 189 S., 13.38 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Vienna medically. One can look at Vienna from this perspective, too. There are traces to be found almost everywhere in the city, as not all that long ago Vienna was, from the viewpoint of medical history, regarded as the "Mecca of Medicine". This book describes a total of 15 walking tours through old medical Vienna. Naturally, these tours are concentrated on the inner city and the ninth district; the former was once the heart of mediaeval Vienna while the Allgemeines Krankenhaus (General Hospital) was established in Alsergrund, as the ninth district is known. However, a number of tours lead visitors outside the city and reveal Vienna from a more hidden perspective, as they lie somewhat outside the beaten tourist path and so have their own special attraction. Finding ones way around this book and hopefully also around Vienna is easy. Having decided on your tour you can orient yourself according to the respective overview map. But, as man doth not live by medicine alone, there arealso a number of notes on art history and a list of good cafés and restaurants. This allows the experiences to be digested in an appropriately Viennese way. A separate museum tour is devoted to museums without fixed opening hours, which contain special collections that exist only in Vienna.


WOLFGANG REGAL and MICHAEL NANUT work as specialists in the areas of anesthesiology and critical care in a Viennese intensive care unit.


From the old university to Stephansplatz.- From Stephansplatz through the inner city.- Around the Ring.- Through the Old General Hospital.- The New General Hospital and the New Clinics.- The White City and Lemoniberg.- Billroth House, Society of Physicians 9th District, 8 Frankgasse.- Der Wiener Zentralfriedhof /Vienna Central Cemetery 11th District, 234 Simmeringer Hauptstrasse Open throughout the year.- Pharmacy in bloom. Botanical Gardens of the University of Vienna.- Art Collections of the Belvedere.- Schönbrunn.- Monument to a dream.- The muscle man and the wax Venus.- No. 19 Berggasse A visit to the archaeologist of the soul. Where the most famous couch in the world does not unfortunately stand.- The Narrenturm unique in both medical and architectural terms.- Museum Tour.

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