Top 100 Pasta Dishes


Erschienen am 11.08.2014, 1. Auflage 2014
9,49 €
(inkl. MwSt.)


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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781407061535
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 144 S., 26.42 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


For most kids, mums and dads, pasta is the best food in the world! It's tasty and nutritious, easy, quick and economical to cook, and even better, comes in lots of fun shapes!

Here is Annabel Karmel's ultimate collection of pasta dishes, with 100 recipes for the whole family and for every day of the week. With separate sections on pasta for babies (it's a good way of introducing texture), toddlers (pasta makes a fantastic standby supper) and families with older children, the book features fuss-free meal ideas to make your life easier.

With colour photos, simple instructions, clear indication of cooking and preparation times, and symbols throughout to show which recipes are suitable for babies and younger children, this is the ultimate pasta cookbook for families everywhere.


Annabel Karmel, a busy working mother of three, has written 18 bestselling books, including theNew Complete Baby and Toddler Meal Planner. She is a celebrity chef on BBCi, the BBC website, has contributed to the Mothercare.com site, and has her own website, www.annabelkarmel.com. She also writes regularly for newspapers and magazines, includingThe Times,MailandSunday Mirror, as well asPractical ParentingandMother and Baby, and appears frequently on radio and TV as the UK's expert on children's nutritional issues. Annabel's 'Make Your Own' range of equipment and foods, as well as her own 'Eat Fussy' chilled ready meals, are available in all major supermarkets.


The ultimate book of pasta recipes, from the UK's number 1 bestselling expert on cooking for children

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