Spoken Multimodal Human-Computer Dialogue in Mobile Environments

eBook - Text, Speech and Language Technology

Erschienen am 17.08.2005, 1. Auflage 2005
173,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781402030758
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 404 S., 33.22 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


This book is based on publications from the ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Multi-Modal Dialogue in Mobile Environments held at Kloster Irsee, Germany, in 2002. The workshop covered various aspects of devel- ment and evaluation of spoken multimodal dialogue systems and components with particular emphasis on mobile environments, and discussed the state-- the-art within this area. On the development side the major aspects addressed include speech recognition, dialogue management, multimodal output gene- tion, system architectures, full applications, and user interface issues. On the evaluation side primarily usability evaluation was addressed. A number of high quality papers from the workshop were selected to form the basis of this book. The volume is divided into three major parts which group together the ov- all aspects covered by the workshop. The selected papers have all been - tended, reviewed and improved after the workshop to form the backbone of the book. In addition, we have supplemented each of the three parts by an invited contribution intended to serve as an overview chapter.


Issues in Multimodal Spoken Dialogue Systems and Components.- Multimodal Dialogue Systems.- Speech Recognition Technology in Multimodal/Ubiquitous Computing Environments.- A Robust Multimodal Speech Recognition Method using Optical Flow Analysis.- Feature Functions for Tree-Based Dialogue Course Management.- A Reasoning Component for Information-Seeking and Planning Dialogues.- A Model for Multimodal Dialogue System Output Applied to an Animated Talking Head.- System Architecture and Example Implemesntations.- Overview of System Architecture.- XISL: A Modality-Independent MMI Description Language.- A Path to Multimodal Data Services for Telecommunications.- Multimodal Spoken Dialogue with Wireless Devices.- The Smartkom Mobile Car Prototype System for Flexible Human-Machine Communication.- LARRI: A Language-Based Maintenance and Repair Assistant.- Evaluation and Usability.- Overview of Evaluation and Usability.- Evaluating Dialogue Strategies in Multimodal Dialogue Systems.- Enhancing the Usability of Multimodal Virtual Co-drivers.- Design, Implementation and Evaluation of the SENECA Spoken Language Dialogue System.- Segmenting Route Descriptions for Mobile Devices.- Effects of Prolonged Use on the Usability of a Multimodal Form-Filling Interface.- User Multitasking with Mobile Multimodal Systems.- Speech Convergence with Animated Personas.

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