Understanding Chinese Society


Erschienen am 08.07.2013, 1. Auflage 2013
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9780745668666
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 280 S., 0.45 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


This new book provides an accessible and wide-ranging introduction to the main features of Chinese society. Drawing on a wealth of material, the author offers a fresh understanding of a unique society that has undergone continuous transformation and upheaval throughout the twentieth century.

Understanding Chinese Society looks in all its richness at the society with the largest population on earth. In order to explore long-term change and continuity, the book examines China from pre-revolutionary times to today's rapidly modernising society, although the focus is on recent change. Particular attention is paid to China's cultural traditions and hierarchical relationships in familial and wider social settings, and their fate in the modern world. Successive chapters investigate changes in the relations of rural and urban sectors of society; in the structure of families; in political and economic power; in cultural hegemony, education and the media; and in patterns of social inequality. A final chapter asks whether Chinese society is becoming more complex and differentiated in the course of modernisation and considers recent debates on the growth of civil society and democratisation.

This book will be indispensable for anyone studying Chinese society, Asian societies and comparative sociology.


Norman Stockman is Senior Lecturer in Sociology, University of Aberdeen.


Acknowledgements vi

Note on Romanization and Names ix

1 The Study of Chinese Society 1

2 Which China? Whose China? 23

3 Rural and Urban in China 45

4 Individual and Society in China 69

5 Chinese Family: Continuity and Change 94

6 Power and Revolution: Economic and Political 120

7 Power and Revolution: Cultural 149

8 Changing Patterns of Social Inequality 177

9 The Differentiation of Chinese Society 203

Notes 228

Glossary of Chinese Terms 236

Bibliography 239

Index 264

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