The Search for Extraterrestrials

eBook - Intercepting Alien Signals, Springer Praxis Books

Erschienen am 29.12.2009, 1. Auflage 2009
31,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9780387740706
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 176 S., 23.78 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


InThe Search for Extraterrestrials, Monte Ross explores in detail the key problems in starting a search, the programs that have failed and those that continue. He includes the fundamental considerations and the physics of the necessary laser, UV, IR and RF technologies, as well as coding and information theory considerations.

The author explores future possibilities providing the reader with a comprehensive view of the many ways signals from aliens could be sent and explains why the search using RF leaves more than 99% of the electromagnetic spectrum unexamined. He also demonstrates the many parts of the electromagnetic spectrum, considering the next likely steps in this unique enterprise. Given mans intrinsic nature to explore, the search will continue in one form or many, until success is achieved, which may be tomorrow or a millennium away.

In summary, Monte Ross proposes to get around the failure of a fruitless search at radio frequencies by developing, in a precise way, the argument for searching for transmissions in the optical region of the electromagnetic spectrum.


The likelihood of extraterrestrial intelligence.- Vast distances and long travel times.- Stars, their evolution and types.- Planets and our Sun.- The many constraints on life.- Why would anyone transmit to us?.- The Drake Equation and habitable planets.- The basics of space communication.- Where to look in the electromagnetic spectrum?.- Receiver basics and how big is big?.- Noise and limitations on sensitivity.- Programs in SETI.- A brief history of SETI.- Radio-frequency and microwave SETI, including the Allen Telescope Array.- Early optical SETI and the all-sky Harvard system.- Possibilities in SETI.- The PhotonStar project.- Key issues for SETI.- Other parts of the spectrum, decoding the data and forming pictures.- Future systems for intercepting alien lasers.

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